How to Calculate Your Azure Backup Pricing

Running an Azure cloud infrastructure securely and effectively for every business also means maintaining a solid backup of all the data in the cloud. Continue reading

5 Reasons to Run Azure Windows Server Workloads

Azure Windows Server

If you’re considering an Azure Windows Server deployment, GUI familiarity and process improvements shouldn’t be your only reasons. Continue reading

What Is Hyper-V? The Authoritative Guide


What Is Hyper-V? [Definition & Uses For It]

Whether you’re just beginning to look into virtualization platform options for your company, or you’re a new Hyper-V user trying to get up to speed, it can be a challenge to find all the information you need in one place. That’s why I created this guide—to give you an all-in-one resource you can bookmark and refer back to as often as you need to, so you can get up and running on Hyper-V more smoothly. Continue reading

MVP ITPro Podcast – Ep3 – A Talk with PowerShell Creator Jeffrey Snover

Join us for episode 3 of the new MVPIT Pro Podcast, featuring your hosts Andy Syrewicze from Altaro Software and myself    Jeffrey Snover @jsnover 

In this episode Andy and Rob Talk about:

  • Windows Server 2019 TP Build 17666
  • GDPR
  • Microsoft Loves Linux!
  • Steps that IT Pros can take today to become Microsoft MVPs
  • and much, much more!

Our special guest interview this episode features The one and only Jeffrey Snover, Microsoft Technical Fellow and Creator of PowerShell!

Enjoy 🙂 !!!

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When Is Azure Hybrid Cloud a Good Fit?

For enterprises that are getting into cloud computing for the first time, or jumping in deeper after getting some cloud experience, the Microsoft Azure hybrid cloud can be a great fit to bring it all together. Continue reading

Hyper-V: How To Backup Virtual Machines

hyper-v backupIf you’re new to Hyper-V and wondering how to back up your virtual machines (VMs), there are different ways you can approach the task. But like most things—some options are better than others.

Below are the most common ways Hyper-V users attempt to preserve data on their VMs, with one caveat: Some of these methods should not be relied upon as your sole backup strategy. But they do serve a purpose, and they can be useful in the right situation.
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Microsoft Build 2018 – Announcements

This year’s Build 2018 conference brings the world to understand that Microsoft is not a just a Windows company anymore. Build 2018 is about cutting-edge techs, like artificial intelligence (AI) systems, machine learning, edge-computing tools and the big move to integrate with other platforms including iOS, Android, and Amazon Alexa(Yes, you heard me right, Alexa!). Check out the Keynote below as Satya Nadella talks about this year’s Build 2018 conference.

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Until next time, Rob

MVP ITPro Podcast – Ep2 – A Talk with Vijay Tewari about Microsoft Azure Stack

Join us for episode 2 of the new MVP IT Pro Podcast, featuring your hosts Andy Syrewicze from Altaro Software and Rob Corradini from 5Nine!

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