Heads down….;) Life and Times of a Microsoft Technology Evangelist

Life and Times of a Microsoft Technology Evangelist

Hello all…It’s been a few weeks since my last blog post…I have been to my HQ twice in San Jose, California for week at a time.  You would be surprised how 3 hour time differences and coming back east messes up your day.  Still working on a system for that, but what works so far is to stay on your schedule…Last time I went to Cali, I let myself slip into the Cali schedule and coming back east was brutal for a week. ;(
So far my schedule that seems to work, but always evolving, is to run the entire west coast workday.

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VHD vs. VHDX: Hmm….What’s the Difference

I get asked this all the time….and here is my answer. Microsoft’s virtual hard disk format, VHDX, has some important advantages over the legacy VHD format, as this VHD vs. VHDX comparison shows.

The release of Windows Server 2012 brought many new virtualization improvements, but one that caught the eye of many IT pros was the introduction of the VHDX file format. Windows Server 2012 supports the new format but also lets Hyper-V administrators use the legacy VHD format. With two virtual hard disk formats to choose from, let’s take a minute to talk about VHD vs. VHDX.

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Azure ExpressRoute….Explained….

One of the traditional impediments to businesses adopting public cloud computing is the concern over putting all your eggs in one basket. This is where Hybrid Cloud steps in.

The Hybrid Cloud is a description of utilizing a preexisting on-premises datacenter and a cloud solution such as Microsoft Azure to balance the overall solution. Hybrid Cloud requires the need for a constant reliable connection to your datacenter.

Building a Hybrid Cloud and having a customer put this over the shared Public internet connection gives you no SLA or reliability.

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