Disaster Recovery and Microsoft Azure, an Overview

For business-savvy enterprises, there’s more to using the Microsoft Azure cloud than just adding applications, data, and users.

Small and medium-sized businesses running Azure also must make detailed contingency plans to stay connected to their applications and data if a disaster occurs. Companies should take the time to plan and configure disaster recovery services so they don’t miss a beat if and when problems arise. Continue reading

What Is Microsoft Azure – A Complete Guide

In a 2017 survey, Microsoft Azure was identified as the most-used public cloud, and the one most likely to be purchased or renewed, according to 28% of survey respondents—the highest percentage for any public cloud provider. With results like this, it’s no wonder the number of businesses interested in Azure continues to climb. Continue reading

Building an Enterprise Cloud Redundancy Plan: What You Need to Know

Putting key parts of your business in the cloud is smart, but be sure an outage won’t take you down as well. Cloud redundancy is key. Continue reading