The Benefits and Limitations of Running Linux on Hyper-V

Choice is good.

In my 20+ years of experience in the IT industry, I’ve seen few—if any—clients who use a Windows environment exclusively. It’s a heterogeneous world. The reality is, most organizations prefer to choose from a variety of operating systems, software, hardware and hypervisors; depending on what best suits the information needs of the organization. In this day and age, it’s necessary to have a cloud solution flexible enough to support it all.  Continue reading

7 Azure Cloud Myths Put to Rest

Microsoft’s Azure Cloud continues to gain enterprise users in the growing cloud marketplace amid competitors such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and IBM, yet it is also often the target of rumors, myths and erroneous information about its capabilities and features.

To battle those myths, this article looks at some of the most egregious claims about Microsoft Azure to help IT professionals get the right information when making cloud infrastructure decisions. Continue reading

Azure Security Center: A Complete Guide

To realize the full benefit of any cloud computing platform—Azure, AWS, or any other—you need to implement best practices related to security and compliance. All too often, data center security takes a backseat to data center design, which puts businesses at a disadvantage when it comes to keeping up with data regulations and preventing data breaches. A 2017 report from Intel Security notes that only 23% of organizations completely trust public clouds to keep their data secure. But with the right resources, it is possible for your organization to achieve both compliance and security in the cloud—without high costs, special expertise, or performance setbacks. Continue reading

Azure vs. AWS: Determine Which You Need

Looking to take your on-premise data center or private cloud to the next level? Maybe you’re looking for a better way to allocate your infrastructure resources based on changing workload requirements. Or maybe you want to extend your data backup and recovery capabilities, or need a resiliency solution that is more cost-effective than the system you’re currently using.

Whatever your reasons, migrating to the public cloud has lots of advantages, including substantial cost savings, elasticity, and easy scalability. If you’re ready to take the next step, the question to consider is this: What cloud service should you go with? Continue reading

Building an Enterprise Cloud Redundancy Plan: What You Need to Know

Putting key parts of your business in the cloud is smart, but be sure an outage won’t take you down as well. Cloud redundancy is key. Continue reading

Azure Stack 101: What It Is and How It Can Help Your Datacenter

Microsoft’s Azure Stack allows enterprises to run a hybrid cloud right in their own datacenters, giving them additional cloud options.

Cloud computing continues to expand in use for a wide variety of enterprises, but it all doesn’t have to happen outside your company’s datacenters. Continue reading

Joining 5nine Software as Director of Product Management

Today, I am excited to announce I will be joining the awesome team at 5nine Software as Director of Product Management. My primary job responsibilities will be for the product strategy and direction of 5nine’s security and management solutions.
5nineSo, you ask, why Product Management? It’s been a lifelong dream to be part of shaping the direction of a technology solution.  By joining 5nine, I hope to simplify IT, Cloud and beyond, because there’s always a better way 🙂

“What prepared me for this was very surprising looking back.”

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What You Need to Know Now About Hybrid Cloud

Cloud technologies have been used by enterprises for almost a decade to streamline their IT operations and create new efficiencies and business opportunities. But as hybrid cloud architectures have become more popular, the field has also brought new jargon and confusion.

To help reduce the chatter, this guide can be used as a starting place for what IT leaders need to know right now when it comes to using hybrid cloud environments for their enterprise operations, as well as how all the different hybrid clouds provide a wide range of options for your infrastructure. Continue reading