Heads down….;) Life and Times of a Microsoft Technology Evangelist

Life and Times of a Microsoft Technology Evangelist

Hello all…It’s been a few weeks since my last blog post…I have been to my HQ twice in San Jose, California for week at a time.  You would be surprised how 3 hour time differences and coming back east messes up your day.  Still working on a system for that, but what works so far is to stay on your schedule…Last time I went to Cali, I let myself slip into the Cali schedule and coming back east was brutal for a week. ;(
So far my schedule that seems to work, but always evolving, is to run the entire west coast workday.

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My First Blog Post

My First Blog PostThis is my first blog post….Some of you make think this a little odd, but I have been in technology my entire life living it, but not telling my story….Well, that is going to change now going forward.

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