Azure Container Service – What It Is and How It Helps Enterprise Cloud

Running containerized applications in production is still relatively new within enterprise IT infrastructures, but Microsoft’s Azure Container Service aims at making the process simpler and less worrisome for IT leaders. Continue reading

Simplify Software Defined Networking (SDN) Across Private and Public Clouds

Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides the speed, agility and flexibility enterprises need to successfully implement digital transformation initiatives.

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Until next time, Rob

Azure Marketplace Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of Azure Marketplace, and all the things you will need to know to get started.

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Until next time, Rob

Windows Admin Center: Tutorial and First Impressions

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For more information, check out my blog post on Windows Admin Center: Strengths, Weaknesses, Enterprise Readiness and Everything Else You Need to Know or go to the Windows Admin Center site for details on how to get started.

Until next time, Rob

Windows Admin Center: Strengths, Weaknesses, Enterprise Readiness and Everything Else You Need to Know

Windows Admin Center, formerly known as Project Honolulu, provides IT administrators with a unified management interface for Windows Server Management tools that were once only accessible through disparate management tools. To date, Windows Admin Center has over 250,000 unique connection instances across 25,000 customer deployments and over 50,000 downloads.

We’ve been kicking the tires of Windows Admin Center (WAC) for almost a year when we first got wind of the preview at Microsoft Ignite. Since then, we’ve monitored its progress, evaluated its strengths and weaknesses and taken a look at how it might sit in an enterprise environment. I also considered what organizations would need to complement its functionality. Continue reading

Disaster Recovery and Microsoft Azure, an Overview

For business-savvy enterprises, there’s more to using the Microsoft Azure cloud than just adding applications, data, and users.

Small and medium-sized businesses running Azure also must make detailed contingency plans to stay connected to their applications and data if a disaster occurs. Companies should take the time to plan and configure disaster recovery services so they don’t miss a beat if and when problems arise. Continue reading

Tips to Building a Successful API – Part 3

If you haven’t read part 1 and part 2 this API series, check the a links on the right 🙂

A successful API is more than a feature; when you view your API as a product, it can be an enabler of your business strategy. Part of the magic of APIs is that creative developers find uses that the API designers never envisioned. If APIs are well designed and easy to use, this can be an enormous benefit and opportunity, turning your service into a platform that can grow in many ways. Continue reading

“Breaking Bad” on APIs – Lessons Learned – Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series, click here.


Organizations often decide to build an API without fully considering key success factors or without first engaging their stakeholders. I saw this first hand at a previous employer and it is very painful, not just for the company, but for the consumers of the API, which can have long-lasting repercussions. Continue reading